Hard Work

Hard work can be physically tiring, yet it can also be very satisfying.

When hard work meets my need to achieve, it is emotionally satisfying.

Work becomes very hard when it is emotionally draining.

Work is emotionally draining when it depletes my emotional energy and creates a  need for emotional energy instead of meeting my need for emotional energy.

Very boring repetitive work is hard because it does not uplift me emotionally.

Work is hard when it has no true value or worth.

Work is hard when it deprives me of my own time. When I have no time for myself and I spend all my time doing what others want me to do, work becomes hard.

Work is hard when it deprives me of my space. When I lose my space, I lose my power.

I do not have to work hard to experience work as being hard. The more I experience work as being hard the more I will need external motivation.

When I value my work it is effortless. When I have time for work, space in which to work, and my work achieves what I truly value doing, it is never hard.

When my work is aligned with my Vision and fulfilling my Purpose it is always effortless and never hard.

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