Happiness Is Ever Present

Happiness is a Gift, a Blessing and a Present. It is a representation of my True Self to my Real Self. I am really true to my Self when I am Being Happy.

Happiness is present in my Self when I am being Present. Being present is attributing emotional presence to my Self.

Presence is an emotional state of being that I consciously attain when my mental focus is in the present moment of Now. When I am presently in the now, I am conscious of neither the past nor the future, only the present moment. The elimination of past & future thinking is attained through the spiritual practice of meditation. It is a spiritual practice because it takes practice to tune out any past objections and future projections of my sub-conscious mind.

In metaphysical terms, meditation is tuning into the Alpha brain wave frequency of super-conscious intuitive thoughts. This tunes out the Beta brain wave activity of conscious intellectual reasoning and the Theta brain wave activity of instinctive sub-conscious programmed memories.

Intuitive Alpha thought activity is the source of personal sovereign authority, which by its divine nature is always empowered. Divine means a pure state of feeling good. With the right mental authority, my emotional power is always good, which ensures my continued physical experience of happiness.

Reminiscing in the past and planning the future is only authorised with divine power when it really feels good. When beta thinking aligns with both theta programming and alpha thought, it is a divine flow of pure happiness that always feels good.

The definition of an expansive supra-conscious mind is when personal mental activity aligns with all three levels of:

  1. Sub-conscious theta instinctive thinking
  2. Conscious beta intellectual focus
  3. Super-conscious alpha intuitive thought

When I present all three levels of my conscious-awareness, together in one moment of time, I attain the ever present nature of true happiness.

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