Happiness Is An Allowance

Happiness is my allowance when I allow it. I allow my happiness when I am not disallowing it. When I am being happy, my allowance is abundant. With an abundance of happiness, my allowance is flowing through me. I am experiencing an abundance of joy when I am happily allowing beneficial experiences to flow.

Happiness is abundant when I have enough. I cannot have too much or more than enough happiness. Too little or not enough of anything that I need causes my unhappiness. When I have had enough of something, I have really had too much.

Enough is filled full and is fulfilling. I am fulfilled when I experience the abundance of having enough.

  • When my cup is half empty, my perspective is negative
  • When my cup is half full, my perspective is positive
  • When my cup is full, my perspective is beneficial
  • When my cup overflows, I perceive my cup to be too small

I can never have too much happiness, unless I am unable to contain it. When I cannot contain my happiness, I am overwhelmed by my cup running over. I am required to first attain my happiness then contain the flow of my happiness. When I experience the beneficial abundance of life flowing through me, I realise that it contains my happiness. When I disallow the flow of my abundant allowance of happiness, I am unfulfilled & discontent because my container contains only unhappiness. When I fill my container with unhappiness, my life is not enjoyable.

  • I contain my happiness by allowing it to flow through me
  • I contain my unhappiness by disallowing my flow of happiness

Happiness is my allowance when I am allowing it to freely flow through the vessel of my extensive container.

I am the physical container of my happiness and the mental maintainer of my happiness, once I become the emotional attainer of my happiness.

When I seal the container, I cannot maintain the flow and I feel only the inertia & entropy of my own unhappiness.

Being an open vessel allows my allowance of happiness to flow in an abundance of fulfilment & joy, when I am content with my container.

My joy is attained when my fulfilment is maintained and my contentment is contained.

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