Happiness Is A Sovereign Choice

A Choice is Sovereign when I personally own the beliefs that inform it. A personally informed choice is sovereign and overrules any external influence. My choices are determined by my beliefs about what is occurring in my life. Choices that I am happy to choose are empowered and therefore they are sovereign. When I am making choices that are influenced by my need to be pleased or my need to please other people, they are not sovereign choices.

I am being influenced to please other people when I believe that I should, I ought to, I must or I have to do what they believe is right for me. What other people believe is right for them is what they believe is right for me. When my belief is informed or influenced by other people, it is not my own and is therefore not a sovereign choice.

When I make a choice, based on my own true belief, it feels good and is empowered with sovereign power because it has my own sovereign authority. We each have the capacity of our sovereign authority to make our own wise choices, unless for some reason we are incapable of doing so. It is always a false belief that incapacitates my sovereign authority and disempowers me.

When I make a choice that neither feels good nor bad, it is usually made under the influence of an external authority. I sub-consciously choose it without validating the sovereignty of my own choice. When I make a choice that feels wrong, I intuitively know that it doesn’t align with my own sovereign truth. It resonates with a false belief that misaligns with my own true wisdom.

In our past, the only sovereign entity was deemed to be the Sovereign Ruler of a State or Country. When Kings & Queens were deposed in favour of democratically elected governments, or autocratically imposed dictators, the sovereign state of the Ruler was transferred to the sovereign state of the Country. As people make choices, not countries, sovereign choice became overruled by Law.

Today we are taught to overrule our own sovereign choices by defaulting to what is popularly believed to be both legally & morally right.

Making my own sovereign choices requires a personal standard of behaviour that is without boundaries, which allows me to happily be a sovereign entity in my own right. Enforcing my boundaries on other people that are out of alignment with my own standards of behaviour will only ever ensure our mutual unhappiness.

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