Hallowed be thy Name

Hallowed means made holy or made whole.

I cannot make something outside of me holy. It is either holy or divided in relative duality.

I can unite my state of being that is not whole and make it whole.

When I unite the male and female gender of my energy, it becomes hallowed connected and whole.

When I unite the positive and negative polarity of my energy, it becomes hallowed, balanced and whole.

United, balanced, whole and connected is the state of my energy when it is hallowed and whole.

All Hallows Eve or Halloween is the eve of the Dawning of my Wholeness of Spirit.

Halloween has become a festival to celebrate everything that is unholy. It expresses my darkness on the eve of realising my True Light.

Hallowed be my Name when I realise who I really am – the Likeness of my Father who art in Heaven.

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