Guilt, Sorrow, Shame

Guilt is the feeling of doing something wrong.

It is caused by being in conflict with someone else’s choice of authority.

I am never in conflict with my own authority.

I am never deprived the authority to choose, unless I choose to allow others to deprive me of my authority & choice.

When I do, I feel guilt.

Sorrow is the intense guilt of doing something that I believe to be wrong.

It is the un-forgiveness of my own self blame.

Sorrow is the acceptance of someone else’s rules being right.

I am sorry for breaking their rules and feel sorrow for doing so.

Sorrow is my expression of being sincerely sorry.

Shame is my intense sorrow at being wrong or being wronged by another.

Making my Self wrong is caused by a fear or a false or limiting belief.

There is no shame in being right & living my truth.

With my forgiveness &  my being accepting, there is no judgment, there is no blame, there is no guilt, no sorrow & no shame.



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