Guidance & Support

Guidance & Support for a client are the two main objectives of a Life Coach.

Guidance is a process of connecting the client to their own authority to make their own choices.

It is about formulating a map of where the client is now and where the client wants to be.

The Coach then supports the client to produce a strategy as to how they are going to get there.

Support is a process of connecting the client to their own personal emotional power and inner motivation.

When the Coach is connecting the client to someone else’s map, they are not coaching the client. They are mentoring, consulting or giving advice.

When the Coach is supporting the client with their own emotional power and motivation, they will eventually burn out emotionally.

The process of guiding & supporting requires the application of particular coaching skills together with the wisdom to use them effectively, without getting in the way of the client or becoming part of the problem or drama.

The effectiveness of any Coaching Skill is relative to the personal attributes and attainments of the Coach who is using them.

Life Coaching is a process of guiding & supporting the client on their journey of personal self development.

This process is either enabled or limited by the degree and level of Self Development already attained by the Coach.

Coaching is always a journey of personal development for both the client and the coach.

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