Guidance & Support

Guidance & Support requires empathy & compassion.

  • Empathy requires exclusive connection
  • Compassion requires sensitive detachment
  • Empathic compassion requires emotional rationale
  • Emotional rationale requires emotional intelligence
  • Emotional intelligence requires intuition
  • Intuition requires a sense of awareness

My sense of awareness of guidance & support requires the emotional intelligence of an intuitive exclusive connection to empathy and an intuitive sensitive detachment of compassion.

The empathy of my intuitive guidance requires the compassion of intuitive support. My soul intuitively guides its Self with empathy and intuitively supports its Self with compassion.

  • The sensitive detachment of my compassion allows the intuitive support of my Soul
  • The exclusive connection of my empathy allows the intuitive guidance of my Soul

Knowing my intuitive guidance and feeling my intuitive support, allows my Self to see my intuitive vision, mission & purpose for my life. I am guided and supported to know my vision, feel my purpose and see my mission in life.

The healthy content of my mission guides the wise fulfilment of my vision supported by the wealth of joy of my purpose. I am guided by my Happiness and supported with my Wellbeing.

My Destiny is the discovery, exploration and experience of life, as a reason, meaning & purpose of the personal appreciation & growth of the happiness & wellbeing of my Soul.

It is the Soul who guides & supports its Self on its destiny to infinitely, eternally, continuously & expansively grow to know its Self.

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