Guidance & Support

Guidance & Support are the essence of making choices. With right guidance & good support, making choices is effortless.

Making a choice that is good & right for my Self requires the right support & good guidance. I make wrong choices because of bad guidance & support and I make bad choices with the wrong guidance & support.

Guidance & support can be right or wrong, good or bad and beneficial or detrimental, so choosing the right guidance & support is essential for an ideal life.

The only guidance & support that is certainly beneficial is intuitive.

The essence of a Coach is their connection to their client’s own intuitive guidance & support. The question is not whether the client is intuitive or not, we all are, but whether the client is connected intuitively to their own source of inner guidance & support. Once connected to and supported by my own inner guide, my Inner guide is my Inner Coach.

My inner guidance & support is my personal connection to my own inner source of power & authority, to make genuine & authentic choices. Inner guidance & support is available to everyone through their own intuitive senses of seeing, feeling & knowing.

Intuitive feeling is my sense of emotional power. When I intuitively feel energised & powerful, I am empowered with my own internal guidance & support.

Intuitive knowing is my sense of mental authority. When I intuitively know what guides & supports me, it does so with absolute certainty.

Intuitive seeing is my sense of physical ability. It enables my ability to see how able I am. When I can see how well I am enabled, life flows effortlessly through me, without resistance. I see the ability to take every opportunity that is unfolding in front of me. Choosing to take an opportunity is never a problem or a challenge because I am mentally inspired and emotionally empowered to do so.

Guidance & support are relative to power & authority. Negative external guidance & support, which is called advice & sympathy, are negative because they are unauthorised and therefore disempowering. Choosing to act under someone else’s authority and conform to their beliefs, requires either their motivation or my will power. Will power is only required when my choices are not aligned with my own empowered authority.

Personal power gives guidance when I choose what feels good and gives support when I choose what feels right.

Personal authority allows guidance when I know it is right and gives support when I choose what feels good.

Whatever doesn’t feel good is a wrong choice and what I know to be wrong is a bad choice. Every good choice is right for me because it is authorised & empowered. Support is authorised when guidance is empowered and guidance is authorised when support is empowered. I can be supported with either power or authority as I can be guided either mentally or emotionally, I can be supported both mentally or emotionally and guided with either power or authority.

Without guidance & support, every choice in life can be seen to be problematic, causing procrastination, prevarication or abstinence. The problem is, I have to make a choice because not making a choice is often a bad or a wrong choice.

With guidance & support, life is an opportunity to experience a beneficial and ideal reality of my own choice.

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