Gravity & Levity

Gravity & Levity are a duality of relative physical existence.

Gravity is heavy.

Levity is light.

Gravitas is serious.

Levitas is fun.

People with gravitas see levity as frivolous.

People with levity see gravitas as grave.

Levity is a quality of the Levites, who were a tribe of Israel who believed they were Beings of Light.

Gravity is a force of nature discovered by Isaac Newton, a man of great gravitas.

Gravity apparently pulls me down to Earth and grounds me.

Levity apparently allows me to levitate and fly metaphorically.

A Medium allows a balance between the opposing forces of gravity & levity.

Physical life is just such a medium.

The medium of life is finely balanced between gravity & levity.

It is seriously fun, and either frivolous or grave depending on the force of my own nature.

When Newton discovered gravity, mediums were being burnt at the metaphorical stake.

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