Gratitude & Appreciation

Gratitude & Appreciation are both essential tools for creating my chosen reality.

When the focus of my thoughts is carried on the emotion of either gratitude or appreciation, it carries those thoughts into my future.

Failing to be in gratitude for what I have, diminishes my focus and depreciates what I have.

It is often said that: “We do not appreciate what we have until we lose it”.

The way I eliminate something from my reality is to not give it another thought.

Being in appreciation for something acknowledges the expansive growth that has been attained by or with that something.

When I appreciate what I have in my present, it appreciates, expands and grows in my future.

What I am in gratitude for, repeats itself in my future. I maintain what I have with gratitude.

What I am in appreciation of, grows, expands and appreciates in my future.

I appreciate what I have when I appreciate what I have.

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