Goodness, Gracious, Gentle, Me!

Divine Ability is always tempered with Divine Gentleness.

Divine Gentleness is neither strong nor weak, neither hard nor soft, neither forceful nor resistant. It is neither wrathful nor meek, neither angry nor patient, neither arrogant nor humble.

The ability of Divine Gentleness requires the authority of Divine Goodness and the power of Divine Grace. The authority of Divine Goodness is empowered with Divine Grace, which together allow the ability of Divine Gentleness. Emotional Grace with mental Goodness are the key to being physically Gentle and attaining spiritual Divinity.

Stating what feels bad for me is not Good. Stating what I think is right for others is arrogant and not therefore Good, as is stating what I believe is bad for others.

Stating what feels right for me is Good. Allowing my Gentleness to gracefully flow is Good.

Stating what feels Good for me in a Gentle way requires Grace. Gentleness requires Grace to state what is Good for me. Stating what is Good for me with Gentleness & Grace is Truly Selfish, never detrimental to another and always beneficial for my Self.

Arrogance, wrath & anger are selfish attributes. Humbleness, meekness & patience are unselfish attributes. The Pure Gentleness of Goodness & Grace are truly selfish & divine attributes.

Wrath & Meekness are a duality of the ego’s choice of false authority. My authority is my mental choice of direction. With wrath, I choose for others to follow my direction and with meekness, I choose to follow another’s wrathful choice of direction. My Divine choice of direction is Goodness. My Divine Goodness has no duality and no opposing polarity of badness. My divine choice of authority is always good for me. Authorising another person’s choice is wrathful and following another’s choice of authority is meekness.

Anger & patience are a duality of the ego’s choice of power. I can choose to give my energy patiently to another or I can choose to angrily take my power back from another. I can patiently support another with my emotional power or I can angrily withdraw my support. Anger is intense impatience. My divine choice of emotional power is Grace. Divine Grace flows effortlessly without entropy or resistance. Without entropy or resistance, there can be no anger and no patience is ever required.

Arrogance & humbleness are the ego’s choice of ability. My choice of action is either arrogant or humble. I either arrogantly lead another or humbly follow others. Leading others by giving them my direction is telling them what to do, which is arrogance. Following others and taking their direction is being humble to their apparently superior choice of action. In the belief that I am inferior to another, I humbly follow their arrogant choice of direction.

True Gentleness is without arrogance or humbleness, True Goodness is without wrath or meekness, True Grace is without anger or patience and True Selfishness is being neither selfish nor unselfish.

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