Getting Old or Growing with Age

Ageing is the natural process of time passing. As time passes everything ages as everything is designed to change with age and with time. Change is the nature of the universe.

The question is: “How am I changing with age”? or “How am I changing as time passes”?

An age is a period of linear time that contains a life-time.

In my life-time, I can choose to get old or I can choose to grow with age.

Getting old means doing the same old things every day with nothing new occurring in my life.

Nothing new means nothing is changing and I am in a state of being stuck.

Getting old and being stuck within my comfort zone of safety and security is not natural but it is very common.

Old people are very stuck in their ways and develop a very narrow and negative perspective of life.

Growing with age means attaining wisdom through life experiences.

As I grow with age my life appreciates. The more I grow and appreciate the more I appreciate my life by attaining a positive perspective of who I am and why I am here.

Growing old is an oxymoron. I grow with grace and wisdom not age.

Getting old gracefully is an oxymoron. Getting old saps my power. Growing with age gracefully is empowering.

When I grow with age gracefully and wisely, I will never feel old and every day will be a new experience and deliver a new oppotunity for life.

Getting old is my fate. Growing with age is my Destiny.

I can choose to be young at any age.

I choose to die young as late as possible.

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