Getting My Direction

My Soul gives my Self direction.

Yet my Soul is never directive.

My Soul never tells my Self what to do.

Telling others what to do is directive and arrogant.

My Soul always gives my Self choice.

I always have self-choice.

Being directive makes a choice for another.

My Soul gives direction, acts as a sign-post, but never determines which path I will take.

I get my direction when I understand my path and I get the direction that it is my path to follow.

When I am receiving direction, I am getting that direction either from my ego self or someone else’s ego self.

When I am getting my direction, I get it, I understand the way I need to be in order to see that I am on my path.

My direction is my polarity.

When I can see the polarity of my emotional energy, I feel and know who I am being on my path and I know in which direction I am travelling.

Getting My Direction requires my intuitive sense to see it, feel it and know it to be the way.

My direction is the way to Be.

Beingness is my direction.

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