
Genes are my physical programming.

They are my cellular blue-print held in the nucleus of every one of my cells.

They determine the structure of each particular cell.

The genetic design puts atomic structure into cellular form.

The cellular form determines the organic make-up.

The organic make-up is the material form that I am conscious of and interact with physically.

I am conscious of my physical form that I experience with my physical senses.

I am mostly unaware of the organic make-up that is the cellular form of the atomic structure that is determined by my genes.

My atomic, organic & genetic programming functions at a sub-conscious level of my mind.

At a sub-conscious level, my memes work in harmony with my genes.

When I change a meme it has a small but directly relative affect on my genetic make-up.

It is my memes that influence my genes not the other way around.

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