
Sex & Gender are not the same thing.

My sex determines that I am either masculine or feminine in my physical appearance & my mental programming.

My gender is a male or female characteristic of my energetic beingness.

Energy in motion is called emotion.

Emotional wavelengths of energy are divided by male & female gender.

Sexual characteristics of physical form are determined by masculine or feminine chromosomes in our genetic make-up.

The gender of our energy is not sex specific.

Masculine & feminine human beings can choose male or female emotional states of being to express.

Women can be as proud, envious, gluttonous, arrogant, lustful, greedy, wrathful & slothful as men.

Men can be as modest, kind, abstinent, humble, caring, pleasing, meek & dutiful as women.

The basis of male & female attraction is emotional genders of energy being drawn to unite & become whole energy as a representation of their true form.

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