Fundamentally 3 More Questions

1. “Am I motivated by my will to meet my conscious physical needs and my sub-conscious emotional needs”? or “Am I empowered by the inspiration of my super-conscious revelations”?

This will answer the question: “Do I have a Purpose for my Life”?

2. “Am I driven by the beliefs and the convictions of my sub-conscious programming”? or “Am I intuitively wise to the knowing of my super-conscious truth”?

This will answer the question: “Do I have a Vision for my Life”?

3. “Am I playing the role of my personality and my character in a drama called life”? or “Am I experiencing the reality of my true identity and my authentic Self”?

This will answer the question: “Is my mission in life in alignment with what I truly value”?

Fundamentally: “Am I here to live my vision, mission and purpose for this life-time”? or “Am I here to try and survive a physical existence called life”?

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