
Frequency is the speed of an energy wave.

Thought is an energy wave of consciousness in motion.

The speed of thought is the speed of light.

Physical reality is Consciousness experiencing its own thought forms.

The frequency or speed of an energy wave determines its force.

The force of a thought wave determines its authority.

An authoritative force has creative ability, it is authorised to be creative.

An unauthorised force can have inability or destructive disability.

Frequency may be divided by polarity, which allows opposing directions of force.

It allows creative force to be authorised and unauthorised force to be destructive.

Unauthorised force causes, resistance, entropy & inertia with varying degrees of intensity.

Resistance causes heat: High resistance causes intense heat.

Heat has the ability to turn solids into liquids, liquids into gases, gases into plasma or reform completely as energy in motion with absolute frequency.

Whereas thought has the potential to be creative, heat has the intensity to be destructive, from a physical perspective of reality.

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