Freedom Of Choice

Freedom Of Choice is not a Human Right but a human quality.

Being at Choice is being free to choose.

Being free to choose is a quality attainment.

A quality attainment is a state of being that can be learned or attained through learning.

I attain freedom of choice when I learn to accept my ability to choose freely.

Choosing freely is an ability that requires both mental authority & emotional power.

The ability to be free to choose requires that I attain the quality of being at choice.

My Soul allows my Self the freedom of choice.

However, it only endorses & empowers the choices that it authorises.

There is no power without authority.

My Soul is my authority when it comes to choice.

My ego Self is free to choose whatever it chooses whether it is authorised by the Soul or not.

Choices that are not authorised by the Soul are neither inspired nor empowered.

Uninspired choices that have only the ego’s authority will require the ego’s will power to manifest them into reality.

The Soul will never deprive its Self of the freedom to choose.

It is always the ego that deprives itself of the freedom of choice.


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