Freedom Is A Perspective

Freedom is a duality of subjection. I am bound in life by whatever I am subjected to. I am subjected to whatever I object to in my life.

An objective of life is to experience freedom, but what is freedom?

The most common perspective of freedom is an escape from something. Escaping from anything is a negative perspective of freedom. An escape from bondage, from slavery, from captivity, from subjugation or from whatever I am attached to emotionally is just a perspective of an apparently real experience of life. I have to believe that I am bound, enslaved, captive, subjugated or attached in order to choose to be free.

I am attached to whatever I need emotionally. I need emotionally whatever I sub-consciously believe I need emotionally to motivate my actions. My beliefs sub-consciously drive the behaviour that determines my actions.

The beliefs that motivate my behaviour determine my character. I adopt a particular character in life because of its emotional value to me. The emotional needs caused by my negative beliefs determine my personality.

I am subjugated by my fears and my limiting beliefs. I am a prisoner of my own conscience. I am captivated by the awe of my own limited experiences. My behaviour, my objectives and my character are all the subject of my personal belief system that forms the basis of my perspective on life. How I perceive my life is how it happens and occurs to me. Life happens in alignment with how I believe that it occurs. Reality is whatever I believe to be real.

When I believe, through my own experience, that life happens to me; I am subjected to whatever occurs in my life. When I believe that I can make life happen by me, I subject myself to whatever I believe is good for me and in my best interests. Without the perceived freedom to make life happen my way, by me, I am subjugated by my perspective that life happens to me. I am a slave of my constricting beliefs that enslave me to being a victim of life.

Not only is freedom a perspective of life but my loss of freedom is also a perspective of life. It is not my freedom that is a choice but a perspective that is my choice.

When I perceive that life happens to me, I am able to be captivated by its awe and its wonder, but I am unable to choose which experiences are pleasurable and which experiences are painful. Awe can be both a wonder and an awful experience.

Even with the freedom of perspective to make life happen by me and be the subject of my own objectives, I can still experience the pain of failure. My subjective choice of perspective allows my personal choice of objective, but my choice to succeed is never guaranteed.

To prisoners, to slaves and to all victims of their own belief system, freedom is not a choice. It is my choice of perspective that allows my freedom, it is not my freedom that allows my choice of perspective. With a negative perspective of life, I will never be free enough to allow my freedom to be a choice. I will always be a prisoner of my own disempowered state of being.

Freedom is not a choice, it is a perspective. There is always a choice of perspective. Captivity, slavery, bondage, subjugation & victimhood are all negative experiences of life that are caused by a negative perspective of freedom. They are all the effect of a belief system that believes it is not free to choose its own perspective of how life is occurring. Whatever My perspective believes to be true about life, I will experience as my reality.

Freedom is a perspective that flows through life when it is allowed to. To allow freedom to flow requires a perspective that life effortlessly flows. It requires more than the belief that life flows freely, it requires a personal faith in living a life of freedom.

Life is free and choice is free unless I put a charge on it. A limiting belief is a negative charge that dictates that life comes at a cost. When I believe that life comes at a cost, there is a price to pay because I am taxed by my fears and my false beliefs. It is a duty or a bond that I pay due to my bound perspective.

I am bound to do what I believe is right for me. When my beliefs are wrong, I lose my freedom. I am out of alignment with the universal truth that life is free. When truth is the subject of my perspective, I am subjected only to what is truly beneficial for my Self.

The truth is that life flows effortlessly & freely when I allow it.

The truth is that I am only ever a slave to my own polarised thinking and I am only ever bound by my own beliefs & convictions.

The truth is that freedom is my natural state of being and to experience it, I just have to express it. When I express my faith in freedom freely, I experience it faithfully, without resistance or restriction.

When life flowing freely through me is my perspective, I perceive life flowing freely as a real experience. Freedom, by definition, is when I intuitively see and therefore define life as being free, because my perspective allows me to perceive freedom to be my reality.

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