Four Types of Selfishness

Old Fashioned Selfishness is the bigotry of my avarice, hubris & wrath.

Selfishness is the arrogance of my pride, greed & anger.

Unselfishness is the humbleness of my humility, meekness & patience.

True Selfishness is the Providence of my Acceptance, Allowance & Approval.

I cannot accept my hubris, pride or humility as my providence because it is a problem.

I cannot approve my wrath, anger or patience as providential because it is a pain.

I cannot allow my avarice, greed or pleasing as being provided because it is a fear.

Tolerating pain, fear & problems is never on my Truly Selfish path.

Approving, Allowing & Accepting my path is the Destiny of my True Self.

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