Four Strategic Levels Of A Ten Dimensional Mind

1. Four Levels of Realisation. My Mind realises reality through the:

  • Id
  • Ego
  • Entity
  • Soul

2. Four Levels of Intention. My Mind intends to attain levels of:

  • Survival
  • Comfort & Security
  • Awareness
  • Creativity

3. Four Levels of Perspective. My Mind perceives life as happening:

  • To Me
  • By Me
  • Through Me
  • As Me

4. Four Levels of Belief. My Mind believes life is enabled with:

  • Charity
  • Hope
  • Faith
  • Providence

5. Four Levels of Consciousness. My Mind is aware of a thought being:

  • Sub-conscious
  • Physically conscious
  • Super-conscious
  • Supra-conscious

6. Four Levels of Thought. Thoughts appear in my Mind:

  • Instinctively
  • Intellectually
  • Intuitively
  • Imaginatively

7. Four Levels of Reality. My Mind senses reality as:

  • Mentality
  • Physicality
  • Emotionality
  • Spirituality

8. Four Levels of Truth. My Mind aligns with truth as being:

  • Absolute
  • Relative
  • Personal
  • Divine

9. Four Levels of Activation. My Mind activates:

  • Reactively
  • Pro-actively
  • Responsively
  • Creatively

10. Four Levels of Manifestation. My Mind manifests reality as a:

  • Realisation
  • Visualisation
  • Idealisation
  • Conceptualisation

My Mind is a Strategist with many strategic levels within many dimensional strata.

When my Mind, Imaginatively Creates a Concept of the Divine, Spiritual, Providence of a Super-conscious, Creative, Soul: I am, my Self, as Me.

Me, my Self & I are of One Mind, One Belief, One Perspective, One Realisation, of One Reality, of One Thought, of One Consciousness, with One Truth of One Intention to Activate one Manifestation of Soul; the Sole Creator of 10 levels of 4 dimensional existence.

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