Four Steps to Emotional Intelligence

    Step One

Feel the Intensity

The emotional intensity is the strength of the feeling. When I am disconnected or I am unemotional, a very high level of intense emotion may be necessary to overcome my ability to suppress it.

    Step Two

Feel the Polarity

We rarely suppress positive emotion, even when we choose not to express it to others. Feeling a positive polarity is good, so we believe that feeling a negative polarity is bad for us. Until I am conscious of my judgment, I cannot learn to accept my feelings.

    Step Three

Feel the Gender

Male emotions are called sins and female emotions are called virtues. This does not make them good or bad as that is the polarity not the gender. Suppressing an emotion because of its polarity also disallows my awareness of its gender. Accepting its polarity is neutral allows me to explore its gender and find the balance.

    Step Four

Feel the Emotion

A pure emotion has a force of authority balanced with a magnitude of power that enables my emotional potential. I just have to feel it with the awareness of who I really am.

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