Four Stages of Life

Stage One is Infancy:

In Infancy, I am dependent on others for my emotional energy.

I am a small fish in a small pond.

Stage Two is Adolescence:

In Adolescence, I seek independence.

I want to be a large fish in a small pond.

Stage Three is Adulthoood:

In Adulthood, I settle-down in the comfort and security of co-dependent relationships.

I have become a small fish in a large pond.

Stage Four is Maturity:

In maturity, I choose to be inter-developmental.

Beyond the boundaries of co-dependence, I seek to share my independence with others in a process of expanding my boundaries and creating new frontiers within interdevelopmental relationships that allow mutually expansive spiritual growth.

I have become a large fish in a large pond.

I am seeking to return to my Source – The Universal Ocean.

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