Four Levels Of Manifestation

Manifestation is the emergence of a new experience into physical existence.

There are four levels of manifestation:

  1. Realisation: I realise that I am reactively tolerating what is happening to me in my two dimensional mental reality. I realise that I have sub-consciously manifested a problem.
  2. Visualisation: I visualise what is happening by me as a pro-actively intended plan. With my conscious intellectual thinking, I visualise succeeding in manifesting my challenging three dimensional physical reality.
  3. Idealisation: I idealise a four dimensional emotional reality manifesting through me. With my super-conscious intuitive feelings of support, I am responsibly enabled to accept whatever is occurring as beneficially ideal.
  4. Conceptualisation: I conceptualise a five dimensional reality, conceived in my imagination as a new creation of my creative Self. My supra-conscious original thought manifests my imagination as a real experience of my Spiritual Self.

I manifest on 4 levels of Consciousness:

  • Level One is a sub-conscious manifestation, which is mentally realised
  • Level Two is a conscious manifestation, which is physically visualised
  • Level Three is a super-conscious manifestation, which is emotionally idealised
  • Level four is a supra-conscious manifestation, which is spiritually conceptualised

My current level of manifestation is relative to my present level of consciousness, which is the level at which my mind is processing my thoughts.

My authority to manifest physical experience from mental thought is relative to the potential of the purity of the power of my emotional feelings.

My ability to consciously manifest my reality is relative to the level of my emotional power that accompanies each level of my mental authority.

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