Four Levels Of Life Experience

I experience life on one of four levels of conscious-awareness:

  • I Instinctively survive life happening to me
  • I intellectually strive for life to happen by me
  • I intuitively thrive with life happening through me
  • I imaginatively create life happening as me

Life experience is the effect of the level of conscious-awareness of my choice of action:

  • I am sub-consciously instinctively reactive
  • I am consciously intellectually pro-active
  • I am super-consciously intuitively responsible
  • I am supra-consciously imaginatively creative

There are four active aspects of my Self:

  • My reactive instinctive self is my Id
  • My pro-active intellectual self is my Ego
  • My response enabled intuitive Self is my Entity
  • My creative imaginative Self is my Soul

“The true Id-Entity of the Ego is the Soul”

  • An Initiation of Water alerts the sub-conscious Id
  • An Initiation of Earth awakens the conscious Ego
  • An Initiation of Air allows awareness of the Entity
  • An Initiation of Fire enlivens the Soul

Each initiative allows a higher perception of perspective:

  • My instinctive survival is often intolerable
  • My intellectual striving is only just tolerable
  • My intuitive thriving is most acceptable
  • My imaginative destiny is divinely ideal

Each perspective allows the adoption of a perceived role:

  • I intolerably survive my role as a zombie
  • I tolerate the striving of my role as an automaton
  • I accept the thriving of my role as an avatar
  • I create the creativity of my role as a creator

Life is an existence on four levels of experience:

  1. Mentally-Physical
  2. Physically-Mental
  3. Emotionally-Mentally-Physical
  4. Spiritually-Mentally-Emotionally-Physical

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