Four Levels of Consciousness

Level 1: Unconscious Unawareness

I am both unconscious of my awareness and unaware of my consciousness.

I do not know how much I do not know and I sleep-walk through life under the control of my sub-conscious programming.

I am being irrationally-unemotional.

Level 2: Conscious Unawareness

I am conscious of the physical world yet unaware of my spiritual origins.

I am awake yet unawakened.

I think that I know everything because I am unaware of what I do not know.

I am being rationally-unemotional

Level 3: Conscious Awareness

I am awakened to an awareness of my spiritual Self and to my mission & purpose in life.

I have a distinction between consciousness & awareness.

I am conscious that I know very little yet aware that at some level I know everything.

I am being rationally-emotional, which is both rationally & emotionally intelligent.

Level 4: Unconscious Awareness

I have the awareness of my unconscious super-conscious Self.

I am awake, alert, aware & alive.

I am living my vision for my life with total acceptance of whatever is occurring.

I am intuitively connected to the Universe whilst being sensitively-detached with the world.


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