Four Essential Essences

The Essential Essence of Creation is its potential.

The Four Essential Essences of Creative Potential are:

  • Aether
  • Energy
  • Matter
  • Motion

Motion is essential to matter, energy is essential to motion, aether is essential to energy and matter is essential to aether.

  • There is no apparent motion without matter
  • There is no apparent energy without motion
  • There is no apparent aether without energy
  • There is no apparent matter without aether

Creative Potential is realised through the emotional feeling of the mental mind of the physical body of a spiritual entity.

The essential nature of physical matter is:

  • Plasma
  • Gas
  • Liquid
  • Solid

The essential nature of energy in motion is:

  • Flair
  • Flow
  • Fluid
  • Flux

The essential nature of etheric thought is:

  • Supra-conscious
  • Super-conscious
  • Sub-conscious
  • Physical-consciousness

The Source of Creativity is Pure Consciousness. The essential nature of pure consciousness is attained through:

  • The solid flux of physical consciousness
  • The fluid liquidity of sub-conscious mental intellect
  • The gaseous flow of super-conscious emotional feeling
  • The ethereal flair of supra-conscious thought

The Essence of All Creation is Ethereal Thought:

  • The essence of the Creator is the aether
  • The essence of the creation is matter
  • The essence of creativity is motion
  • The essence of creative potential is energy

It is not possible to be aware of all four Essential Essences from a singularly solid physical state of conscious flux.

Consciousness became the ‘Hard Problem of Science’ because it could not prove the existence of the essential nature of the Aether, with only the logic of rational intellect.

Only the Spiritual Psyche of Supra-conscious Flair, aligned with the Emotional Pneuma of Super-conscious Flow and the Mental Nous of Sub-conscious fluidity, can appreciate the Matter of a Solid Conscious Flux of a Real Experience called Life.

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