Four Dimensions Of Physical Energy

The Four Dimensions of Physical Energy are:

  1. Force
  2. Strength
  3. Power
  4. Stamina
  • Force is the ability to overcome both inertia & resistance
  • Strength is the ability to apply resistance to force
  • Power is the ability to fulfil the potential of force & strength
  • Stamina enables the ability of continuing power to apply force & strength
  1. Force is fluid
  2. Strength has flux
  3. Power has flow
  4. Stamina allows flair
  • Force is will power, not emotional power. I do force.
  • Strength is resistance applied with resilience, not force. I have strength.
  • Power is a breath of fresh air, which inspires emotionally when I feel good. I am being powerful.
  • Stamina is potential, which takes time to fulfil.

Stamina requires a continuously powerful, strong force to be applied with a sufficient supply of fuel. All dimensions of physical energy require fuel, which is ignited by oxygen and exhausted by carbon dioxide. A build-up of carbon-dioxide that is not exhausted causes muscle exhaustion and the inertia of lactic acid. Oxygen is the flare that ignites the fuel. Fuel is stored by the body as:

  • Sugar in the blood
  • Carbo-hydrate in the muscles
  • Fat in our fuel storage cells

All three types of fuel provide physical energy when oxygenated by the cardio-vascular system; with exhausted carbon-dioxide avoiding muscle exhaustion.

  • Working isolated muscle groups to exhaustion promotes strength
  • Working muscles anaerobically without oxygen causes exhaustion
  • Working muscles aerobically with oxygen promotes power & stamina
  1. When Force is good, it is fluid
  2. When Strength has resilience it is gentle and its flux has flex
  3. When Power gracefully flows, it endures with stamina
  4. When stamina endures, it has kindly flair

A gentle force of resilient strength allows power to flow and stamina to endure.

A mindfully authorised force in a resilient physical body flows with the empowered emotion of spiritual flair.

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