Force & Power

Power is not a force.

A powerful energy has magnitude not force.

A forceful energy has authority not power.

Nuclear power is derived from the magnitude of energy that is apparently locked within each atomic nucleus.

Nuclear force is the authority that a Country with nuclear weapons believes that it has over another Country.

A Country with nuclear weapons believes itself to be a nuclear power, yet nuclear weapons have no power without the authority to use them.

Nuclear powers are not authorised to use nuclear weapons.

Authority means choice and no right minded person would ever choose to use nuclear weapons other than as a deterrent.

A deterrent is something that forces our authority upon someone else.

A nuclear threat is a global example of ‘an eye for an eye’ or what you do unto me, I will do unto you.

This misinterprets the Golden Rule which is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Do we really choose as a nation to be threatened with atomic weapons by another nation?

Why then do we choose individually and collectively to be a nuclear power and a nuclear threat to other nations?

Thought is a forceful energy with authority and can be either a positive blessing or an evil curse, which is relative to the perspective of our reality.

Nuclear power has no authority, no choice, and no polarity. It is a powerful energy with a great magnitude that can be used in either a beneficial or a detrimental way according to the force of our own authority.

My potential ability in Life is relative to the force of my authority combined with the magnitude of my power.

The force of my authority is determined by the clarity of my thought that determines the magnitude of my own emotional power.

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