Force, Magnitude, Potential

My potential for life is relative to my force of mental authority & my magnitude of emotional power.

The wavelength of my emotional power determines its magnitude.

The longer the wavelength the greater the magnitude.

An omnipotent magnitude of emotion has infinite length and is unlimited by gender.

The frequency of my mental thought determines its force.

The faster/higher the frequency the greater the force.

An omniscient force of authorised thought has eternal depth and is unlimited by polarity.

My energetic vibration in life allows my potential ability.

My potential ability is relative to the vibrational force & magnitude of my mental & emotional energy.

A force that is divided by polarity and its choice of direction is limited in its potential.

As is a magnitude that is divided by gender because it lacks clarity.

The presence of a unified energy vibration offers the potential of unlimited emotional competence, mental capacity & physical capability to be totally clear & direct.

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