“Fight the Good Fight”

There is no such thing as a “Good Fight”.

A fight is an expression of active conflict.

Conflict is never good for myself.

All external conflict in my life is an expression of the inner conflict that I have not yet dealt with.

My inner conflict is always between the beliefs of my ego self and the Truth of my Divine Soul.

It is never between my Soul and my Self.

My Soul knows my Truth.

My ego Self is in conflict with my Soul when it is in conflict with the Truth.

Fighting the truth does not reveal the Truth.

In the presence of the Truth, fighting becomes obsolete.

Only the Truth can end my inner conflict.

When I find my Inner Peace, I find my Truth and the Source of my Power to live Life without conflict.

I am only ever fighting my Self.

I can never win.

There is no Good in Fighting.

It has no real purpose.

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