Feeling Good

Good is an emotional feeling. When I am emotionally feeling good, I am experiencing my emotional state of being, as ‘good’.

My emotional state of being determines the power of my creative ability. Creating beneficial, or good experiences, requires creative emotional power. Being good is the power to experience feeling good. I intuitively feel whatever I am emotionally expressing.

An intuitively good feeling is the power to make a choice with authority. An authorised choice writes a new chapter in my experiential Book of Life. Creating a new experience in life is beneficial when it feels good.

Feeling good allows the ability to experience life in a beneficial way. When good feelings happen to me, I am not aware of what is causing them; so I put it down to luck. I am only aware of what I am doing whilst I am feeling good. Continuing to do what initially felt good does not maintain the feeling indefinitely. The Soul is continually seeking new experiences for growth. Unaware of the source of my good feelings, I can become addicted to what I believe will make me feel good.

Becoming attached to, dependent on and addicted to what I believe will make me feel good, is not evidently beneficial. I think it will feel good, without actually feeling the emotional power of it being good for me. When I am not creating a new experience, it essentially doesn’t feel good. Feeling good is a creative opportunity. It has the power to create opportunities.

There is nothing that I have to do to feel good. The more I try to feel good, the worse I feel. Trying to do good often fails to make me feel good.

Feeling good is only a good feeling when it is empowered with an inspired thought. Uninspired thinking is never accompanied by a good empowered feeling.

Intuitively taking inspired action, when I know it’s right because it feels good, is always certainly beneficial. When I intuitively see the essence of a wise choice, know the certainty of a right choice and feel inspired by a good choice, it always is.

I never feel good when making a bad, detrimental or wrong choice for my Self.

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