
The cure for unkindness is the oneness of pure feeling.

Pure feeling has no prejudice & makes no judgment.

It comes with an empowered Soul with a pure mind.

My Soul is empowered with pure feeling.

My kindness or unkindness disempowers my Self.

Kindness is my feeling of being unselfish as opposed to being selfish & unkind.

My Soul expresses a pure feeling of kindliness.

Kindliness is the kindling of my Soul expressed.

The clarity of pure feeling is empowering.

The confusion of life disempowers me.

Pure feeling is my emotional connection to my Soul.

Disconnection from my Soul is disempowering & painful.

It is my judgment that something is bad or wrong that causes my pain.

There is never any pain when I am fully empowered, connected & at one with the pure feeling of my soul.

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