
Feeling is pure emotional power.

My Soul & Inner Coach communicates with feeling.

I am feeling the emotional power of the Soul within me.

Without resistance, feeling flows through me as pure emotional power.

My mind interprets feeling as emotions.

My Soul sends its Self only pure emotional power.

Pure emotional feeling always accompanies a pure mental thought.

Pure mental thoughts originate from my Soul as messages to inspire its Self.

Limiting rational or irrational beliefs & fears polarise my feeling as emotions.

When I am feeling fear, I am seeing what is occurring as a problem rather than an opportunity.

When I feel an opportunity to be a challenge, I may see it with excitement or anxiety.

When I feel what is occurring is a problem, I am required to change my perspective before being able to accept my opportunity.

Opportunities always feel good, challenges make me feel anxious or excited and problems give me a bad feeling.

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