Fearless & Courageous

I am challenged to confront my fears, not experience them.

When I am confronting a fear, I am in conflict with my beliefs.

It takes courage to fight my fears.

It takes intelligence to overcome my fears and become fearless.

I confront a fear by becoming conscious of the belief that is creating my fear.

A fear is always created by a false belief.

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ will put me in conflict with my fear.

‘Feel the fear and uncover the cause’ will allow me to confront the belief that is sponsoring the fear.

My fear of heights or my fear of falling is created by my belief that I cannot fly. Until I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can fly, it would be foolish of me to step over a cliff edge.

It is knowing that I cannot fly that keeps my feet firmly on the ground at the edge of a cliff.

Fear of spiders is a fear of being bitten and poisoned by the spider. Until I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the spider will not hurt me, It would be foolish of me to pick it up.

It is knowing that a spider is dangerous that allows me to avoid contact with it.

What I fear, I will attract, because it is a growth opportunity.

Fearful people attract what they fear and will require courage to tolerate their fears.

Fearless people have no need to attract fearful situations and therefore they don’t and have no need to be courageous.

Being fearless requires rational and emotional intelligence not courage.

Soldiers require courage to fight a war.

A fearless person has no need to fight any battles in any wars because they have overcome all of their fears. Without fear, war is unnecessary.

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