Fear of the Unknown

I fear the unknown because the unknown creates my fear.

An all-knowing Being is fearless.

Being all-knowing is omniscient.

I cannot be omniscient and fearful.

It is my state of unknowingness that defaults to fear.

Fear is the false reality of my limiting beliefs.

My beliefs are limited by my inability to be all knowingly omniscient.

I fear the state of not knowing.

It is this fear that drives me to explore, discover and experience my Truth.

If I were content with not knowing, I would have no fear.

Knowing that I don’t know, and knowing that I don’t need to know, is the pathway to fearlessness.

Knowing that all will be revealed on a need to know basis is all that I need to know.

Once I know this, I can embrace the unknown and overcome my Fear of the Unknown.

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