Fate & Destiny

Fate is an unconscious choice.

It is the choice of my sub-conscious ‘id’ and my super-conscious ‘entity’.

It is my opportunity to unconsciously experience my true id-entity.

The super-conscious entity that is my Soul, delivers each day my choice of experience for my Self to accept as a gift and an opportunity for growth.

My conscious ego Self always has a choice as to whether to accept and experience the opportunity or decline it as a problem.

In this way, I am continually challenged by my fate.

I either see the opportunity and accept my fate or I see a problem and decline the opportunity.

When I see my fate as a problem, I tolerate my life.

When I see my fate as an opportunity, I align with my destiny.

My destiny is always seen an opportunity, whereas my fate can also be seen as a problem or a challenge.

It is my destiny to align with the path of my Soul.

It is my fate to get lost and confused with the fears and false limiting beliefs that drive my sub-conscious programming.

It is my destiny to overcome my fate and accept that it is my destiny.

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