Faith & Trust

I have Faith in my own True Self.

My True Self is always faithful.

I have trust in other people who do what I want them to do.

I cannot trust my Soul.

My Soul never does what my ego wants.

I have Faith in my Soul to deliver exactly what is right for my Self.

I cannot trust that my ego’s desires will be delivered. I need will power to manifest them.

I have Faith that my Soul’s desire will always be present.

I trust my ego self to want what I believe is good for my ego self.

I trust other people to choose what is exactly right for them.

I have Faith that my Soul knows my path in life and presents opportunities for my Self to follow that path in every moment of time.

When I do not trust my Faith, I have no Faith and no path to follow.

When faith & trust have no distinction, I have no Faith and I have no alternative but put my trust and my faith in others.

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