Explorers, Discoverers & Experiencers

We are all here to experience life as a human Being. Many are looking for the answers as to why they are here to experience human life: They are the explorers, the seekers & the followers. A few find their answers to why they are here to experience human life: They are the discoverers, the finders & the leaders in their particular field of experience.

A particular field of experience allows a two dimensional choice of 3 particular dualities:

  1. Explorers & Discoverers
  2. Finders & Seekers
  3. Leaders & Followers
  • The leaders in a particular field, who have discovered the answers they were seeking, become teachers
  • The followers of a particular leader in their field are still exploring the answers, as seekers & students

Teachers are leaders who impart their discovered knowledge to students who seek to follow their guidance. Students are seeking to explore further by following the discoveries of their leaders who teach them.

Exploration, Discovery & Experience are all true values, which have value because they orient the Self on its true life path.

  • Finding & Leading have a value when they meet a need to be in control, a need to know, a need to be better than, a need to be accomplished, held in high esteem, respected or heard
  • Seeking & Following have a value when they meet a need to be safe & secure, a need for approval, for reward, for belonging or a need to be cared for and to be needed

When our emotional needs are met, they have value and when unmet that are a need that sub-consciously drives our actions and our choices.

Being the Experiencer of my own Exploration & Discovery, of my own true path of value in life, is why I am here.

  • Experience is the meaning
  • Exploration is the reason
  • Discovery is the purpose

With meaning, reason & purpose, I am truly worthy of fulfilling my destiny.

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