Expansive Thought

Expansive Thought raises my Vibration.

An expansive thought is a new thought.

A new thought is a new perspective of reality.

A new perspective of reality changes my reality in an expansive way.

We all have choice.

I can choose to accept a new thought, reject a new thought or deny a new thought.

A new thought is an inspired revelation that emanates from my Soul on a pure frequency of Light.

A new revelation is received on a frequency that reflects the beliefs of the receiver.

The more expansive my awareness, the purer the frequency on which I receive new thoughts.

The more contained, unawakened and disconnected I am, the more resistance, denial and rejection I will experience to new thoughts and expansive change.

My Soul seeks for my Self to raise my vibration in harmony with my Soul.

My Soul is always sending my Self expansive thoughts.

The question is: “Am I receiving them”?

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