Evolving Through Levels Of Perspective

Level 1: Is a perspective of what I have when I believe that life happens to me.

I adopt a perspective of what life gives to me and what life takes away from me. My perspective is one of judgment, discerning that what I have is either good or bad for me and whether what I do not have is what I want and need, or not.

My level one perspective is influenced by what I consider to be lucky or unlucky, fortunate or unfortunate and determined solely by chance.

Level 2: Is a perspective of what I need to do to change the odds. When I believe that good things only happen to those who make them happen, I believe that I need to take action. I believe that good things are caused by me, but alas I am also capable of causing bad things to happen as well.

Life happening by me is a perspective of people who are continuously taking action to get exactly what they want and to have what people who do not take action do not have. It misses the perception that people who take action want more than they have, and often more than other people have. It is based on the belief that whatever we want to have, we have to take action to obtain it.

Level 3: Is a perspective of who I need to be in order to attract whatever I choose. When I allow life to happen through me, I allow my creative emotional power to flow through me. My emotional power flows through me as an expression of who I am being, irrespective of whatever I am doing.

A level three perspective allows the Law of Attraction to provide for me in a prosperous and beneficial way. With the emotional power of flow in every present moment of my experience, I intuitively see every opportunity as it positively unfolds into my life.

When I intuitively know who I am being, I consciously allow my emotional power to flow with awareness and I only ever attract beneficial opportunities into my experience.

Level 4: Is a perspective of who I really am. This perspective of life happens as me. I intuitively know, feel & see that I am the Creator of my own experience.

My perspective is of an enlightened Being and seeing life with soulful clarity, I guide & support my Self on a path of divine spiritual growth. I intuitively see that I am both the creator and the creation as my Soul/Self experiencing my own ideal reality in life.

I have the conscious-awareness of experiencing my own innate state of Happiness & Well-Being, as my own creation of Heaven on Earth.

I am the fulfilment of my own Soul’s passion & desire for its Self.

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