Everything Will Be All Right!

Everything Will Be All Right is a present statement about a future event. In the future all will be right.

This is a perspective that is most common when things are not alright now. When things appear to be not alright now, wanting them to be so in the future is a wish.

When life happens to me in an apparently wrong way, I wish for it to change and become alright. Unfortunately, wishes are granted by a genie and if the genie is firmly contained in a bottle, wishes never come true. When life is happening to me in a bad way, I do not have the emotional power to release the genie that grants my wishes. As a victim of life appearing to go wrong, I have neither the mental authority nor the emotional power to make things be alright in the future.

When I take responsibility for choosing my own future, my perspective is that life happens by me, instead of to me. When life happens by me, I have to hope that everything will be alright because I am never sure that what I want to make happen, will happen. My belief, that everything will be alright, is a hope that I have made all the right choices for myself. Unfortunately, when life happens by me, everything often goes wrong.

Everything will be alright when I allow everything to be all right. My life flows in the right direction when I allow it to. I allow my life to flow effortlessly in the right direction when I have faith in my life. Faith is my certain intuitive knowing that my life has a purpose because I have a clear vision for my life.

My faith is my true path in life. When I faithfully follow my path, it is true, beneficial and everything is all right. When my life is on track, I intuitively know that everything will be all right because it intuitively feels right. I intuitively see that everything is all right now and I intuitively get that everything that ever occurred in my life had a true meaning for me.

Everything will be all right in the future when everything intuitively feels right now because when everything feels right now, I feel good. When I feel good now, I have the emotional power to imagine that my life will be all right in my future. I have the emotional power to release the genie from the lamp and allow its light to shine brightly, through me, on my path.

I am never limited to three wishes, nor do I ever need hope, when I have certain intuitive faith that everything will indeed be all right. Everything will be all right is a statement of truth when I am following my true path in life. When I am on track and flowing effortlessly with life, everything feels good right now. I can only ever feel good about the future, right now.

That good feeling that is present right now, allows the emotional power of gratitude & appreciation to project good and better opportunities into my future. My future won’t just be all right, it will be all good as well.

My right knowing allows my certain confidence in my own authority to create the right future for my Self. My clear vision of my meaningful purpose is the reason that I am certain everything will be beneficial, all good and all right.

Certainty flows with my intuitive connection to the genius of my Genie. When I’m-a-genie, I imagine that my life will all ways be all right. With the emotional power and the mental authority of my imaginatively creative Genie, I am certain that everything will all ways be all good and all ways be all right.

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