
Eros is the love that exists between opposing genders.

Opposing male & female genders of the same energy are subject to the Law of Attraction.

Like energies of opposing genders attract.

This attraction of opposing genders of the same energy is called Eros.

Different wavelengths of energy create a different aspect of love.

All wavelengths of energy have the potential to be divided by gender.

A choice of gender is what gives love choice.

It is a choice of gender that allows the force of sexual attraction.

Without a choice of gender of energy, there is no choice to love another.

It is the gender of the wavelength of the energy of another that we love.

Eros allows the physical, mental & emotional experience of loving another with similar yet opposing energy.

It allows Lovers to be in harmony and at one with each other.

Eros allows the experience of male & female energy to combine in a climactic, orgasmic experience.

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