
Epistemology is the study of Knowledge.

To the Ancient Greek Philosophers, there were two sources of Knowledge and two types of Intelligence.

Knowledge is Intelligence.

1. A Priori knowledge is ‘known before’ experience. It is new knowledge, without prior knowledge or experience. It is an inner source of knowledge that comes through invention, initiative, intuition, innovation, ingenuity, imagination and inspirational insight. It is now defined as Emotional Intelligence.

2. A Posteriori knowledge is old knowledge previously gained from external personal or collective physical experience. It is first, second or third hand knowledge from subjective or objective experience of cause & affect, in alignment with intellectual reasoning. It is now defined as Rational Intelligence.

Modern Philosophy has no Emotional Intelligence. Knowledge is believed to be rational and unemotional when emotion is believed to be irrational. Knowledge is knowledge and is called epistemic knowledge, which is determined by reasoning of the intellect to be intelligently true or unintelligently false. Knowledge of reality is believed to be true and any unproven knowledge is believed to be unintelligent, unintelligible and therefore irrational & false.

Modern Philosophers, like modern Scientists, study physical knowledge to ascertain whether it is true. If knowledge of reality is proved to be true, it is real knowledge and if it cannot be proved and understood intellectually, it is false. Truth and reality have no distinction to a modern Philosopher. From a physical perspective and a physical experience of the world with only the physical senses, only physical knowledge of the physical reality of life is believed to be true. Modern Philosophers & Scientists only experience the physical world with their physical senses. What they physically experience, they know to be true and they call it physical reality. They have no concept of a reality that is non-physical or metaphysical because they have no empirical data to substantiate its existence.

Ancient Philosophers, as their name implied, had a love of wisdom that allowed them to invent, initiate and intuitively innovate with the ingenuity of inspirational insight. In the absence of any true empirical knowledge of what these metaphysical mental acuities actually are, modern science has been reduced to furthering their epistemic knowledge with only the skill of a lucky guess.

In the absence of true a priori wise intuitive knowing, modern intellectual thinkers have disappeared up their own a posteriori backsides with an acute case of freudian anal retentiveness. There is a complete absence of either love or wisdom in the theories of modern philosophy & science.

Modern Religion has suffered a similar fate as it has no distinction between spiritual philosophy and dogmatic theology. They follow only the doctrine of the spiritual philosophy of their sacred theology as directed by their interpretations of their religious texts. No new knowledge is ever forthcoming from religious preaching. Religious epistemology has not changed for thousands of years, but it has been edited, censored and re-interpreted many times.

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