
Enrichment is the wealth of being rich and the richness of being wealthy. With no distinction between being rich & being wealthy, I am unaware of what being truly enriched means to me.

The enrichment of my life with an attachment to physical assets will deny & disallow my emotional wealth. Emotional wealth can never be attained through physical riches. A physical attachment to being asset rich may provide the experience of pleasure without pain but it will be at the expense of the feeling of personal joy. It may provide the achievement of objectives but at the expense of subjective fulfilment. Plenty of physical satisfaction is without the quality of enough abundant emotional contentment.

Being enriched by physical experiences may meet my emotional needs but this is a poor substitute for the truly enriching qualities of being Happy & Well.

When wealth is an emotional attainment, it allows the experience of joyful happiness. Joy is a measure of emotional happiness and wealth is a measure of emotional joy. I attain my emotional wealth through my experience of joy. I cannot buy, sell or trade my wealth of joy, I can only share it with other happy people. It may please me to share my riches with poorer people but this is divisive sharing, which is contracting and not expansive.

  • Contractual physical riches can be spent, saved or wasted
  • Expansive emotional wealth can only be shared as a mutual experience of joy

There is always a choice of being enriched with a wealth of physical assets or enriched with a wealth of emotional joy. There is no joy in the pursuit of owning assets, only equal quantities of pain & pleasure.

The attainment of emotional joy is a truly enriching experience. It is attaining the emotional state of being enloved called Enlovement.

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