
Enlightenment means I am meant to be in the Light. Fully enlightened, I have no shadow self. It is my Self that becomes enlightened, when I overcome my shadow with wise choices. Being enlightened allows wise choices and being wise allows the Self to illuminate and overcome its shadow.

  • Spiritual religions believe that enlightenment is a process of gaining religious knowledge
  • Physical sciences believe that wisdom comes by proceeding to make knowledgeable choices

Enlightenment is the personal ability to ‘see the light’, to be ‘in the light’ and not in the ‘darkness’. We are not enlightened with physical light. The Light of enlightenment is the spiritual light of personal mental authority, which is both empowering & enabling.

An enlightened person is empowered with certain ability to achieve their vision for their life. The purpose of enlightenment is to personally see the vision that we each have chosen for our individual life.

Enlightenment allows a personal journey to unfold consciously, with a unique and exclusive vision for each individual life. This is neither a religious nor a scientific process.

  • A wise person proceeds on their own enlightened path through life
  • An unwise person allows their self to be processed in life by other people’s religious dogma and scientific doctrines.

Seeing the Light requires the inner sight of intuitive vision. With insight, I intuitively know my mission for my life, I intuitively feel my purpose for my life and I intuitively see my vision for my life.

My enlightened vision is my calling in life. It is my Soul intuitively calling my Self to follow a wise path towards my destiny.

  • It is my destiny to be enlightened
  • It is my fate to remain in the shadow of my own darkness

My Soul is ever calling with messages of guidance & support.

  • The purpose of being enlightened is to allow my divine guidance, approve my beneficial support and attain my ideal provision
  • The reason for being enlightened is to effortlessly receive the guidance, support & provision that the Soul has provided for its Self on every individual journey through physical life

It is every Individual’s destiny to become enlightened with the wisdom to fulfil their own chosen vision, mission & purpose in life.

It is our destiny to become enlightened because only our personal enlightenment can ensure that we fulfil our own unique destiny. It is an integral part of everyone’s destiny to become enlightened.

It is through the awareness of my own intuitive wisdom that I fulfil my destiny, not the knowledge of my own, or someone else’s, rational conscious intellect.

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