Energy, Matter & Motion

Energy & Motion are inseparable.

There is no motion without energy and there is no energy without motion. Energy is never at rest.

Matter appears to be at rest relative to energy.

Matter is energy in slow motion.

Because I am matter, when in material form, I perceive matter to be at rest and I am able to perceive the motion of matter relative to other matter.

The motion of matter is its speed or relative distance over time.

The motion of energy is its vibration or relative wavelength over frequency.

The motion of matter relative to other matter creates Space.

The motion of energy relative to matter creates Time.

The motion of matter relative to its energy creates Reality.

When energy in motion slows down sufficiently, it materialises and forms a trinity of Energy, Matter & Motion.

The relative states of matter, which are relative to the motion of their energy, create the Reality of Time and Space.

The relative states of Time, Space and Reality, create the illusion of time, speed and distance.

In Absolute Reality everything is Energy.

In a relative world it is Motion that Matters.

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