Energy is not Real

Energy is not Real, but it does have the potential to create reality.

Energy is Potential Reality.

Without Energy, reality has no potential.

Without Reality, potential has no energy.

Without Potential, energy has no reality.

The Potential of Energy creates Reality.

The Potential of Energy is the product of its Magnitude and its Force.

The Magnitude of Energy is its Energetic Mass (M).

The Force of Energy is its Energetic Speed (C²)

The Potential of Energy (E) is equal to its mass and its speed (E=MC²).

The magnitude of energy creates a Space of Love.

The force of energy creates a Time of Light.

When love & light combine in space-time, energy has the potential to create the Reality of Life.

It is not energy that is real but the reality that is created from the energy of love & light, in space-time, called life.

We all possess the potential energy to create reality, individually and collectively.

That real potential is an energy that is within everyone.

That energy is only realised once we all realise our own potential.

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