Energetic Mass & Density

Energetic Mass is the space within atoms. The more space within an atom, the more energetic mass the atom has and the Lighter it is.

Energetic Density is the space between atoms. The more space between atoms, the less dense the molecules, the less material the physical substance and the lighter it is.

The space between atoms is physical space. Without atoms there is no physical space.

The space within atoms is energetic space.

A single atom has mass but no density. It is weightless.

Density requires more than one atom.

Density is relative to the amount (weight & volume) of atoms within matter.

Energetic Mass is relative to Consciousness. It is a measure of the magnitude of energy in matter.

Density makes mass relative to weight.

Mass makes light relative to consciousness.

Consciousness = Light x Mass

Weight is the attractive force of matter or the attractive force created by the density of energy within matter.

The Energetic Mass is the attractive magnitude of Energy or the magnitude of attractive energy.

Infinite Mass is Absolute Attraction.

Energetic Density creates relative attraction and specific gravity.

Relative density is energetic attraction.

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